bald factの例文
a bald head is soon shaven
A bald head is soon shaven

a bald statement of the facts
He gave a bald statement of the facts

a night on bald mountain
Note : This episode is a parody of " A Night on Bald Mountain ". The title creature, which bursts with flaming wings from a volcano, recalls the Chernobog from " A Night on Bald Mountain .......

alaska chilkat bald eagle preserve
Many tourists visit during the annual appearance of bald eagles in the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve between October and February. Near the Chilkat River is the Alaska Chilkat Bald Ea......

alexander bald
Alexander Bald was the brother of Robert Bald, the engineer. After the death of the colliery manager Alexander Bald, in 1823, the Earl handed over the running of collieries to trustees on ......

american bald eagle
The American bald eagle has been gradually increasing throughout the park. But is there a place for the American bald eagle? The zoo has a North American bald eagle named Noah. He focused ......

american bald eagles
The American bald eagle has been gradually increasing throughout the park. But is there a place for the American bald eagle? The zoo has a North American bald eagle named Noah. He focused ......

andrews bald
Andrews Bald is a double peak situated along Forney Ridge, just south of Clingmans Dome. Andrews Bald is the 62nd-highest mountain in North Carolina, and is located entirely within Swain C......

appalachian bald
They praised the views offered on the high Appalachian Balds, the challenging climbs, and the trail's diverse landscape. The character and distribution of Appalachian balds remained stable......

as bald as a coot
As bald as a coot Poor man , he is only twenty years old , but owing to illness he is as bald as a coot Poor man , he is only twenty years old , but owing to illness he is as bald as a coo......

as bald as an egg
The man before him, Dwight Eisenhower, was nearly as bald as an egg.

Soon, the bald head became the rage among the linebackers. The words for short, tall and bald are generally avoided. If the flush spreads to his bald head, start running. Look for lots of ......

bald and golden eagle protection act
The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act is not so pliable. Stricter rules in the earlier Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act are less forgiving. He was ......

bald arch
Old keystones can decay due to vibration, a condition known as bald arch.

bald archy
The 2014 Australian art prize the Bald Archy was awarded to Judy Nadin for " Wrecking Balls Ashes to Ashes ", parodying cricketer Mitchell Johnson as Cyrus. Newspaper cartoonist Peter Wilk......

bald archy prize
The satirical Bald Archy Prize, supposedly judged by a cockatoo, was started in 1994 at the Coolac Festival of Fun as a parody of the Archibald Prize; it attracted so many visitors that it......

bald as a coot
In the 13th century, the balled coot was a water bird with a white mark on its forehead, lingering in the lingo today in the simile bald as a coot. At one point, Kunstler said, the defense......

bald as an egg
The man before him, Dwight Eisenhower, was nearly as bald as an egg. Bald as an egg, she flashed the same old snaggle-toothed grin I'd seen at the 7th birthday parties of our three older c......

bald assertion
There is no cited evidence for this, just a bald assertion. Bald assertions that the evidence page supports such calumny should be unacceptable. The section " Consistency with policy " is ......

bald blenny
""'Paraclinus infrons " "', the "'Bald blenny "', is a species of labrisomid blenny native to reefs of the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea from Florida and the Bahamas over to Belize.......

bald bryan
Sometimes Bald Bryan will do a film review in his Baldywood segment. Bald Bryan still supplies sound effects, though he's not always on the show.

bald bull
The arcade game introduced recurring video games characters such as Glass Joe, Piston Hurricane, Bald Bull, and Mr . Sandman. Dominating the police station _ and the series _ is a seething......

bald butte
It flows west-northwest and connects with a half dozen other forks and creeks then turns west-southwest abeam Bald Butte. The ISB is characterised by strike-slip faulting on faults similar......

bald cap
There were rubber bald caps for friends to model and sign. In the video for this song, Yankovic dons a bald cap. "We put a bald cap on her. For the photo shoot, the girls pose in Swarovski......

bald creek historic district
In addition to the Nu-Wray Inn, the Bald Creek Historic District, Chase-Coletta House, Citizens Bank Building, John Wesley McElroy House, Yancey Collegiate Institute Historic District, and......